Will we need a health certificate to travel?
That is what a lot of people are thinking to give greater security to the transport of people.
It would be a matter of providing a Covid-19 vaccination certificate that could be carried as a paper document or as a mobile APP.
An APP called Common Pass has been created behind which are important companies like IBM and others. We would carry the app on our mobile and it would have our vaccination data and our health situation regarding Covid-19.
It is a simple and fast way to present the information in a customs or where it is necessary; And it has the advantage that our information remains with us on our mobile phone and not in a computer “cloud” beyond our control.
The idea is launched and there are already many working with it. I am sure that in a short time there will be more than one operational possibility (some APPs) that will allow us to return in a certain way to the “normality” of before with a certain security.
Unfortunately, in the early days of the pandemic, risk detection APPs did not become popular despite the fact that several were developed (even Apple and Google collaborated on one of them), and I think it was because the governments were not clear on the issue. of people’s privacy.
In this case it is not like that, privacy is with each person on their mobile, and its use can provide certain guarantees to the transport of people.
And that is just what is needed. That people regain the confidence to travel safely.
Another thing is that we should travel differently and polluting less.
It only remains to hope that governments do not get into disputes over which vaccines have more “guarantees” for people and should be included in these APPs, and that they become available as soon as possible.
We all need it, and there are many people whose work depends on it.