We are in the hands of any government that wants to control us
We have to be very clear that our mobile can be totally hacked and through it they can know, see and hear everything we do.
That is the conclusion that is obtained from the information published by various newspapers (The Washington Post, The Guardian and others) regarding the Pegasus Project that the Israeli company NSO sells to governments.
Pegasus is a “spyware” program that enters mobile phones without the owner knowing about it and obtains from it all the information about what the user does, sees and hears.
With this system, certain governments have controlled journalists, dissidents, politicians, and anyone who is interested in controlling.
Governments pay a lot of money for these systems, and by way of example Saudi Arabia had a 55 million dollar contract. They will know who they were spying on.
When the news became known in the newspapers, quickly the NSO company had declared that they “only” make the program and that they sell it to governments to defend themselves from possible terrorist acts, and that they do not know anything about how governments use their program. .
A very cynical response, because they know very well what their program is for, and if they sell it to a dictatorial government, it is logical that they use it to persecute dissidents of any kind.
In general, all governments try to control their citizens as much as possible and only the law protects those of us who live in democratic regimes, and sometimes more than one tries to evade the law, as has been seen in various past cases.
The government of Israel has stated that they will investigate this matter. Not even them believe that.
I think that our friend George Orwell, not even in his most pessimistic moments could imagine about the possibilities that technologies now offer to control people. Big Brother has been with us for a long time, and worst of all (in my opinion) is that many do not care, they are happy in their ignorance and they do not care about defending their rights. A shame !!
When the “novelty” of the Pegasus scandal passes, I am convinced that things will continue more or less the same and in addition to NSO there will be other companies offering similar programs to control us more and better.