Trees do not solve the problem of climate change
Lately it seems that many people agree in that more trees need to be planted to mitigate the impact of carbon on the atmosphere, and to launch reforestation projects (Trillion Trees Act ) selling the idea that this is the solution to solve the problem of climate change.
And this idea is anything farther from the reality. Of course, planting trees is a good thing, but it is not the “solution” to climate change.
Many companies advertise it with great fanfare: Fly with us and compensate the contamination of your flight by planting some trees.
A great lie to deceive the naive and to continue selling flights.
I insist that planting trees is a positive thing, but trees can burn, they can dry, etc … and also they do not recover even 10% of the carbon level that we currently emit into the atmosphere; therefore we must do many more things.
Various actions must be taken in parallel.
The most important and urgent is to change the way we consume, and to do so in a more sustainable way. Something very different from the stupid consumption that we currently practice.
In parallel, it would be necessary to promote different technologies for carbon capture and storage, in order to remove it from the atmosphere. But that will still take a long time.
That is why it is so important to pollute less in all our industrial and leisure activities.
I admit that I am quite pessimistic in this serious matter. Humans are selfish and we only look at the short term. And consequently that’s the way things are going for us.