The Navy buys an electric drone that is powered by solar energy

Amador Palacios
2 min readMay 22, 2024

There are drones of all types and for all tastes, and there are also some very powerful organizations with a lot of money to experiment with different products, and look for applications to meet their needs.

And one of them is the US Navy, which not long ago announced the purchase of 3 electric drones that are powered by solar cells placed on their wings, and that are capable of flying at more than 20,000 feet, for more than 3 days. And also due to their small size they are not easily detectable by radar.

From what the “experts” say, this drone was chosen especially for its silent operation and the duration of its flight. But there are other companies that offer similar products to the market.

In some cases, this type of drones are called “pseudo satellites” due to their ability to remain in the air for a long time, and to be able to carry out surveillance in a specific area, and to allow the retransmission of information between two distant sources.

You can see a video at:

What is clear is that the guys of the US Navy have enough money to test different technological alternatives, and in this way they also help the development of their industry.

Many would like to be able to do the same.



Amador Palacios

I am an electronic engineer with more than 40 years working in industry. I like to reflect on Technological and Social issues