The latest UN report on climate change is devastating
The latest Report published in early August by the UN on climate change has been the most devastating to date. It goes straight to the point and declares without any doubt that human action is responsible for global warming and that already in 2021 we have reached 1.1 ºC of the 1.5ºC that should not be exceeded in the year 2050.
Impossible clearer.
And what is also very clear to me is that the Paris environmental goals will not be achieved, and that the planet will warm 2 or more degrees before the end of this century, and the consequences will be bad for many people.
After this publication there have been many reactions (starting with Mr. Biden and following many others) saying that we have to act immediately. That’s, the usual.
The fact of reflecting on this important fact is a bit difficult for me because I understand that I repeat myself over and over again, and the changes that occur in our society (which there are) are so small and so slow that the consequences I estimate will be painful.
It bothers me to seem pessimistic, but I think I am a somewhat informed optimist, and I would like nothing more than to be wrong.
The 3,000-page UN Report has been made by 234 scientists and estimates that 1.5ºC will be reached by 2040, and that must be the optimistic case.
The reality will be whatever it is, and when the problems arrive, that they will arrive, it will not be because the scientists had not warned in time, since they began to warn more than 40 years ago, but there have been many interests in hiding the reality.
In the end, it is always the poor who pay the consequences.
What a dog world !!