The jobs in the year 2030
The consulting firm McKinsey Global Institute has elaborated a report on how jobs will be in the year 2030 in the USA. And I understand that what they say does not change much for the rest of the western world, that is, for Europe and Spain, and that is why I comment here.
According to these nice people, the gap between the rural and the urban world will continue to widen, with more work opportunities concentrated in the latter.
They even say that most of the creation of jobs will be grouped into 25 mega-cities of the USA and its peripheries. Assuming 60% of the creation of new jobs despite living in them 44% of the population. Which considers that more people will move to those areas that are already densely populated.
As for the jobs they say nothing new. Those that are more manual will disappear and new ones related to new technologies will appear. Such as maintenance and repair of wind turbines, computer security technicians, etc …
Expected net job growth between 29017 and 2030
• Clear <0%
• Gray 0–5%
• Blue 5–10%
- Dark blue 10–15%
• Black> 15%
What they say very clearly is something that everyone predicts. The untrained people will have little chance of getting decently paid jobs. And therefore the differences between those who have a good standard of living and are likely to improve and the poor who have no chance of improvement will increase further.
We are going towards the creation of a poorly paid proletariat bracket and with very little chance of leaving the pit in which they are immersed.
Both Automation and Artificial Intelligence present enormous possibilities of increasing innovation and productivity. But to be able to work on them requires trained people.
What I do not understand is why our politicians, of any political orientation, do not explain this to the people and take the appropriate measures to prepare them for what is coming their way.
It may be because they get into politics merely to take advantage of it, not to serve its citizens.