The airships of the future
Every day we hear more about airships (LTA Lighter Than Air ), and almost all of them have one characteristic in common and that is that they use helium to lift the aircraft, instead of hydrogen. It is clear that no one forgets the Hildenburg even if a lot of time has passed since the catastrophe of 1937.
There are several start-ups around the world launching flights of different models of airships, and surely some more will appear, as they can be an alternative for the transport of goods and people that do not require high speed transport.
There are already models that are capable of lifting up to 60 tons of weight from the French company Flying Wales, which is a non-negligible amount to be transported.
To be able to fly sustainably, most say they will use hydrogen fuel cells, but there are currently few aircraft of this type doing test flights.
A video can be seen at:
The biggest drawback of these aircrafts is that they are difficult to pilot in bad weather (wind, etc…), and their great advantage is that they can land in any more or less flat place, they are capable of lifting large weights with hardly any energy consumption, and that this type of transport by air also consumes little energy and without polluting the environment.
I am quite clear that they will become a reality sooner rather than later, since the challenge of the Climate Crisis is very big and urgent, and we must find different ways to transport things and people without generating pollution.
Today, most of these companies are just ideas to try to convince potential investors, a few videos, and the occasional prototype. But that can change pretty quickly.
We’ll see what time has in store for us, but I have to admit that I quite like the idea.