The 10 largest electric battery manufacturers in the world
It is well known that one of the main parts of electric cars is the electric battery that powers them, and it is also one of the most expensive parts of the vehicle.
And as the market is growing exponentially, in addition to investing in new battery manufacturing plants, vigorous research is being done to obtain higher-capacity batteries so that cars have greater autonomy and less environmental impact.
It could be said that the future of electric cars depends on the batteries that power them, and what I’m not sure of is if many people know who are the main companies that manufacture batteries for electric cars in the world.
This is the list, with the nationality of the companies:
- Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. CATL China
- LG Energy Solution South Korea
- Panasonic Japan
- Samsung SDI South Korea
- BYD Co. China
- SK Innovation South Korea
- China Aviation Lithium Battery China
- Gotion High-Tech USA
- Automotive Energy Supply Corp. Japan
- Ruipu Energy Co. China
These companies have supply agreements with the main electric car manufacturers, and in general, car manufacturers buy batteries from more than one company to diversify supplies.
For your information only, in 2020 the top 6 companies delivered 87% of the batteries purchased worldwide, indicating that they have a fairly significant dominance of this market.
Nor do you have to look very hard to realize that all but one of the companies are Asian. The only North American is a recent small start-up from California. In other words, Asian manufacturers dominate this market, and that is because they have invested and worked hard for a long time.
Nobody gives anything away.
But if we reflect a little more, and come to the conclusion that the automobile market is going to be transformed by going electric, this new situation will make the predominance of North American and European automobile companies that existed until now (with the exception of Toyota ), may move to a new situation in which the predominance of the market will be of companies located in Asia.
The last word has not been said in this field, but Asian companies have taken a very important step to have something important to say when it comes to dividing up the new automobile business.