People who go on cruises don’t seem to stop doing them
This is the news (surprising to me) that I saw in the Los Angeles Times not long ago.
Many of the people who vacation on cruises are quite faithful to this type of tourism. On many occasions it allows them to travel to other foreign countries and see different cities with the comfort of not having to change hotels, since it is the hotel that moves from one tourist location to another.
In addition, all kinds of entertainment activities are offered on the ship, they can eat what they want, and the “party” on board does not stop at any time.
And to top it off, the prices are not exaggerated, and are available to many people with cash payment or deferred. Consequently many of the clients repeat the experience every few years.
These people are not concerned (I’m sure they don’t even think about it) that they use one of the most polluting means available for their enjoyment. It is estimated that a cruise ship emits gases equivalent to about 50,000 cars, and this to move about 3,000 people from city to city.
According to the data provided by LA: Times, despite the fact that with the Covid-19 the cruises are currently suspended, the reservations to make these trips in 2021 have increased by more than 30%, according to the company selling online travel
And these data have been confirmed by the Swiss bank UBS, which has information on reservations and payments with credit.
The cruise business in the US alone is in the order of 50 billion dollars, and worldwide it has been a growing business in recent years.
According to this information ( I suppose they are objective data ) it makes me think that we have not learned anything from what has happened to us with the Covid-19 and that when the situation returns to “normal” we will return to the mistakes of before, with the greatest joy.
Most people do not care about the consequences of their actions, but only have fun here and now, and tomorrow we will see what happens.
Our society (most of the people) is not yet aware of the consequences of their way of life, and we are doomed to take over our planet.
And worst of all, the “leaders” do not warn people of what lies ahead. They are only interested in being voted to be in power, and for that they do not have to worry about people with problems of the future.
When that future comes, and it will come very soon (in fact we are already seeing very serious changes in our environment), they will be collecting their golden and insured pensions for life, and the “fault” will be on others. Of those who are at that time.
Humans are stupid and selfish, and our stupidities will cost us dearly.
And one of the stupid things (in my opinion) are travel cruises. At least until they change the engines of the boats and stop polluting as they do.