MOSAIKS a program to obtain information from satellites
In space there are more than 700 satellites that generate all kinds of information about what happens on Earth, and send a huge amount of data that must be manipulated to extract useful information, and very few people have the technical means necessary to take advantage of that kind of information.
And from now on that will no longer be the case, because the University of Berkeley has generated a system called MOSAIKS (Multi-Task Observation using Satellite Imagery & Kitchen Sinks) that uses “machine learning” to achieve a low cost and ease of use so that almost anyone with their personal computer can obtain specific information on what interests him.
The study called “A generalizable and accessible approach to machine learning with global satellite imagery” has been published in the journal Nature Communications and is available to anyone who wants it.
Using this program, anyone with a computer can get real-time information from the part of the world that interests him. Something that can also be achieved by many governments that today do not have the information available to the big nations.
At present, many changes are happening in the world that we are not able to see, and that from now on it can be followed in real time.
From the change in the water situation in an area of the world, to the traffic that circulates on a road, etc … almost anything we want today, it is possible to visualize and collect data to be able to act and correct the imbalances that occur.
Today ignorance cannot be adduced because everything is known at the moment, and with a tool like this, anyone with limited financial and technical means is capable of doing it.
I hope that such a good tool will be used by as many people as possible, because the more it is used, the more it will improve over time.
I can only thank the University of Berkeley for the work they have done for the benefit of all.