How to turn a classic car into an electric car
There are many lovers of classic cars (Jaguar E, Porsche 911, and many more) who treat their cars with special pampering, but they all have the same future problem: what will happen to them when cars are electric and gasoline is scarce?
In 20 or more years there may be problems finding gasoline for those classic cars, and if there is it will be much more expensive. What to do ?
And that is what a clever new company intends to solve that offers electric platforms to place the chassis of classic cars on them. This company is called Zero Labs and it aims to be at the forefront of what they call the “classic electric revolution”
For this, what they have done is to generate electric platforms that incorporate the battery and electric motors, in order to place the rest of the classic car that you want to modernize on them.
In the photo above you can see a classic Ford pickup (Bronco) in an electric version. And they offer the same for a multitude of vehicles by slightly modifying the dimension of the platform.
The idea is good in general, although I am not sure that lovers of classic cars will be involved in modifying their car so much, because it would cease to be what it is to be something very different.
What gives the adjective of classic to a car is not only the exterior body, but the whole of it, including the engine, the internal chassis, etc … is something “global” that would be modified with this solution.
I have a friend with a Porsche 911 Carrera from 30 years ago and one of the things he likes the most is “hearing” the engine noise and “feeling” how the car behaves on the road. They are very difficult feelings and emotions to replace.
But the issue of platforms for the use of various vehicles is a good idea. There is a Chinese company that already offers its electric platforms to various car manufacturers.
It is possible that in the future of electric cars there will be manufacturers that will offer pre-assembled sub-assemblies to other manufacturers who make the final assembly of the car. There are many issues to clarify.
That future is yet to be defined and many may have their chance. It remains to be seen if Zero Labs will be one of them, but at least they are trying, which is already a lot. I wish them the best.