For climate change, the simplest is also what works best
I love the phrase someone said: Keep It Simple, Stupid.
It is a great truth that can be applied to almost everything. And of course also to the actions necessary to reduce the effects of climate change.
For the unfamiliar, the KISS idea was developed by the U.S. Navy in the 1960s and was used as a concept for the development of various models of advanced new products such as the U-2 and SR-71 aircraft.
But like almost all “elementary” things, people tend to forget about them.
Now that so much is written about climate change, there are opinions for all tastes, and a huge number of possible actions. The problem is that many are very expensive and will take many years to implement. And meanwhile time passes and… ..
Every month several books are published on the subject, and Bill Gates’s latest one has had a lot of comments. I will not contradict someone who knows much more than I do, but his confidence in technological development to get us out of the problem seems to me overly optimistic.
I think the first thing is to apply the KISS concept and apply the simplest and least expensive measures to start having results right now. TIME is a variable that we do not have if we want that the situation don´t get almost irreversible.
We have to do the obvious: consume less, be willing to change our way of life, and emit less CO2 into the atmosphere just now.
Have more sustainable diets and leave new vertical crop technologies for later.
Consume less fossil fuels and we will see when CO2 can be eliminated from the atmosphere; but for now, it is best to limit its emission as much as possible.
And we can put as many examples as we want.
Hopefully, we may get out of the Covid-19 not long from now, but even so I’m afraid we haven’t learned much of anything. People are wanting to return to the “normality” of consuming and polluting as they did before.
Our mental structures have not changed, and people do not feel the “problem” that climate change is going to affect them or their descendants, and in not a long time.
The only consolation I have is that I will not be here to see it, and the sorrow that my descendants yes will go through rough times. That’s life.