Electric cars need to have a network of chargers along the roads, and they need to be reliable

Amador Palacios
2 min readMay 23, 2024

The electrification of transportation is an unstoppable reality. More and more people are choosing electric cars, attracted by their advantages in terms of sustainability, efficiency and savings. However, for this transition to be successful, it is essential to have adequate charging infrastructure.

In this sense, a network of reliable chargers along the roads is a crucial element. The availability of safe, accessible and fast charging points is essential to eliminate the “range anxiety” that still holds back some potential buyers.

There is no point in having chargers for electric cars if, when you go to them to charge in the middle of a road trip, you find that they do not work or work poorly. This only creates uncertainty among users and distrust of this new technology.

Loading speed is another important aspect. Drivers do not want to wait long periods of time to recharge their vehicles, especially on long trips. Therefore, charger technology must allow for fast and efficient recharging.

That’s why I was very pleased to hear that Department of Energy researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory are working to make EV chargers more reliable.

The main objective of the project is to develop strategies and technologies that can significantly improve the reliability of EV chargers. The research results are expected to contribute to:

  • Reduce the failure rate: Reduce the frequency of breakdowns in EV chargers, despite variations in the electrical grid voltage
  • Increase uptime: Ensure EV chargers are available for use as much of the time as possible
  • Reduce maintenance costs: Minimize the costs associated with the repair and maintenance of EV chargers
  • Improve user experience: Provide EV users with a safe, reliable and convenient charging experience

I think it is an interesting and necessary project to promote the implementation of the electric car. I hope they get results soon, and that those results are shared by companies that supply chargers to the market.

But on the other hand, it is also essential that governments, companies and society in general work together to promote the creation of a reliable and accessible charging network. Only in this way can we take full advantage of the benefits of the electric vehicle and build a more sustainable future.

Currently, the electric vehicle charging network in Spain is in the development phase. Although the number of charging points has grown significantly in recent years, there is still a long way to go to achieve the density and reliability necessary for mass adoption of electric vehicles.

I hope it is achieved as soon as possible.



Amador Palacios

I am an electronic engineer with more than 40 years working in industry. I like to reflect on Technological and Social issues