Commission for the Future of Humanity
This is a non-profit association created in Australia and made up of scientists, businessmen, academics, etc…. to propose concrete strategies “to the whole world” with the aim of saving Humanity and the Planet.
It must be recognized that its objectives are ambitious, but more than ever necessary. The challenge that humanity has today is perhaps the greatest it has ever had in its history. Today we are so many and we consume so much that we run the serious risk of exhausting the planet that supports us, as we know it today.
Some will think that the situation is not so dramatic (there are still some who deny it, although they are fewer and fewer), especially if they live in the “rich” area of the world, because the most affected will be the poorest areas.
But when the poor cannot live in their countries, they will move to where the rich are, and it will be a wave of millions of people impossible to stop. When someone has nothing to lose, they lose all fears.
In the last 200 years, the growth of the economy and population has been prioritized, without thinking too much about the consequences of our actions.
We were ignorant, yes, but we are not any more. And that excuse is no longer valid.
Now, and the Covid-19 has reminded us loud and clear, we will pay more and more dearly for the consequences of our blindness and selfishness in the short term.
These nice people from the Commission for the Human Future contribute with their grain of sand in the reflection that we ALL must contribute, each at his own level, so that we consider another way of living more in harmony with our environment.
They have summarized the risks in 10 groups:
- Collapse of the ecosystem
- Global warming
- Massive destruction weapons
- Scarcity of resources (especially water)
- Poisonings from contamination
- Food insecurity
- Pandemic diseases
- Overpopulation
- Uncontrolled technologies
- Global governance failures
And since the vast majority of them are interrelated, they propose to reflect together and at the country level to seek global, coordinated alternatives
Their intention is good, but if we have not been able to act together on any one of the issues (Global Warming according to the Paris Agreement) and it will be much more difficult for most of them to be addressed.
It only remains for me to trust that the experience of the Covid-19 has been a wake-up call strong enough for us to change the course we were taking, and the leaders to exercise their proper role.
And also keep in mind that the “pandemic disease” that we have already suffered, and continue to suffer, is only ONE of the 10 risks that these people point out.
There are 9 others that should be addressed, and only one of them (global warming) is trying to carry out coordinated actions.
There are many good people willing to work to change things … but there is so much to do !!
Hopefully we will !!