Apple Airtags account for a global surveillance network
The Airtag are small devices in a circular way like a one euro coin that can be placed on any of the devices we use every day, a set of keys, a suitcase, our pet, etc … and let us know the location of these devices .
I recognize that it is a practical idea and that many people will buy them.
They are devices as can be seen in the photo, which are not too big and easy to attach to anything. They work by Bluethood and when it is paired with its Apple ID, its position can be viewed with Apple Find My APP.
Each AirTag emits its own “identification code” that can be detected by any Apple device at a distance of about 100 meters, which retransmits it to Apple servers so that they inform their owner of the situation where it is found through the Find My App.
The Airtag does not have GPS connection capacity but a Bluethood connection with any Apple device that is close to it. And from there Apple receives this information on its servers and transmits it to its owner through Find My.
Today all companies try to know the position in which we find ourselves, and that can only be done if we activate our GPS position with an application, or through the cell operator’s connection towers with what we are connected.
Knowing someone’s position can be offered services that are in the vicinity of where it is, and that information is worth a lot of money.
It is assumed that companies that give coverage to our mobile do not send the information of our position to anyone, because we pay them for that service.
And if we think a little, with the Airtag system, Apple’s people will have the world information from which all these devices are, and therefore its users. It is an information of great value and I do not know what Apple will do with it.
Apple, in general cares about the privacy of its users and I suppose it will not sell this information to anyone without their permission, but the information will be on their servers. What they do next with it is up to them.
As for me I prefer that any company knows about me as little as possible.
And we cannot forget the problem of hacking, because as soon as there are many Airtag devices around the world, there will be many who will try to access them with anything but positive intentions. Although I am sure that Apple will try to protect these devices.
If we think a little more, we realize that almost any “ease” that is offered by the Internet has a counterpart. And I think we should seek a balance between its possible advantages and disadvantages. Not for having more “things” are we going to have more comforts and be safer.
I do not have an Apple device, but if I had it, I would not use any AirTag at all. I manage well as I am.