Another new nuclear fusion system
I have read that the Helion company has signed an agreement with Microsoft to provide this company with electricity from nuclear fusion starting in the year 2028. And that Helion has also agreed to accept economic sanctions if it does not comply with its “supply contract”.
I recognize that as a marketing strategy, this announcement is something very positive, since many people have come in contact with Helion (among others myself), and have been interested in its activities, and this could help it to obtain more economic contributions for its development.
Well, it must be recognized that Helion is one of the many companies that are working on obtaining electrical energy through nuclear fusion. A technology known for almost 100 years, and which has never been able to be put into practice due to its complexity, since (among other things) it is necessary to get the fusion material to reach hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius.
Helion Energy, Inc. is a company headquartered in Everett, Washington, and was founded in 2013. Helion’s system uses a magneto-inertial fusion (MIF) approach to achieve fusion. MIF is a hybrid approach that combines the strengths of magnetic confinement and inertial confinement fusion.
In magnetic confinement fusion, the plasma is confined by a strong magnetic field. This is the approach used by most fusion research projects, including the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). However, magnetic confinement fusion is difficult to achieve and maintain.
In inertial confinement fusion, the plasma is compressed using a powerful laser or particle beam. This approach has been used to achieve fusion in laboratory experiments, but is not yet practical for commercial power generation.
Helion’s MIF system combines the strengths of magnetic confinement and inertial confinement fusion. The plasma is confined by a magnetic field, but it is also compressed by a powerful laser. This allows Helion to achieve fusion at lower temperatures and pressures than traditional magnetic confinement fusion systems.
Helion has already achieved important milestones in the development of its MIF system. In 2020, the company was the first private company to achieve thermonuclear fusion plasmas greater than 9 keV with expected D-D fusion reactions and neutrons and greater than 1 × 1020 keV-s/m3, Lawson’s criterion.
Helion is currently working on a prototype fusion power plant. The plant is expected to be completed in 2025. If successful, Helion’s MIF system could revolutionize the way we generate electricity. Fusion power is a clean, safe and abundant source of energy. It could help us reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and combat climate change.
This is a more detailed description of Helion’s MIF system:
• Plasma is created by heating a mixture of hydrogen and helium gas to a very high temperature.
• The plasma is then confined by a strong magnetic field.
• A powerful laser is used to compress the plasma.
• Compressed plasma reaches temperatures and pressures high enough to initiate fusion reactions.
• Fusion reactions release a large amount of energy.
• The energy is used to heat water, which is turned into steam and drives a turbine to generate electricity.
Helion’s MIF system has several advantages over traditional magnetic confinement fusion systems. It is more compact, which makes it easier to build and operate. And in theory it’s also more efficient, which means it can generate more electricity with the same amount of fuel.
Helion isn’t the only company working on fusion power. However, the company’s MIF system is one of the most promising approaches to the development of fusion power. If successful, Helion could revolutionize the way we generate electricity.
But there are other “experts” who are not so optimistic about Helion’s system for generating electricity, and they expose their doubts with politeness and technical explanations. Time will tell who is right.
A video can be viewed at:
At the moment Helion is working hard to make fusion power a reality and it appears the company is making significant progress and is well positioned to be at the forefront of the fusion power industry.
The first to succeed and be able to offer unlimited and clean energy could change the world