Another mini — nuclear reactor

Amador Palacios
2 min readDec 17, 2021

It seems that mini-nuclear reactors are becoming fashionable, and perhaps it is due to the urgent need to generate electrical energy without generating polluting gases.

Although we know that nuclear waste takes thousands of years to stop being radioactive.

The issue of obtaining energy is very complex, the energy needs are enormous, the time for the implementation of clean generators is limited, and all kinds of alternatives are needed that produce electricity without emitting gases that pollute our atmosphere.

And in one of those niches, some companies are positioning themselves with the offer of mini-nuclear reactors that can be transported in a truck and located where it is necessary to generate energy in a distributed manner.

Today I comment on the case of Radiant, which is a Californian company that offers a mini-reactor of up to 1 GW. powerful, portable, compact and low cost.

It does not require infrastructure and it can be placed near the area to which it is desired to supply electrical energy, it can power 1,000 homes and works autonomously for about 8 years.

This is a start-up company that needs a lot of money to make efficacious prototypes. It remains to be seen if they get the financing they require.

In recent times, there are many new start-ups with more or less novel ideas and not all of them come to fruition in specific projects.

I don’t like nuclear energy very much because of the waste it generates, but I like being without energy much less.

According to many experts, it will not be possible to satisfy future energy needs only with new alternative energy installations (wind, solar, etc …), then something will have to be done to avoid burning fuel, or staying in the dark.

The longer we go without making decisions, no matter how difficult they are, the more expensive we will pay for it.



Amador Palacios

I am an electronic engineer with more than 40 years working in industry. I like to reflect on Technological and Social issues