Another guardian robot
Not long ago I commented on the case of a robot guarding some ruins in Italy, and today I comment on the case of a robot guard presented by the company Prosegur Security USA which has been named Yellow.
The robot is a variant of the already famous Boston Dynamics Spot robot, to which they have incorporated a series of sensors that give it better surveillance, control and communications capabilities.
The Prosegur company is a global group that offers different services, and security is one of its important areas. And with the incorporation of these robots, it helps to improve the services it offers to customers, trying to control costs to remain competitive, since the robots do not ask for a salary increase.
In addition to having various sensors, cameras and facial recognition, Yellow connects with 5G technology to the control center both to send and receive information, and to have AI support that will increase in the future.
This four-legged robot is very versatile and adapts to any type of terrain, so it can be used in almost any type of venue and event.
You can see a video of Yellow in a facility at the Mutua Madrid Open tennis tournament, although I have to warn you that the audio is in Spanish (sorry):
I have to admit that I really like the world of robotics due to the enormous number of applications that robots can carry out. They do almost anything and it depends on the creativity of the developers.
It is curious how companies are incorporating robotics as one more tool of their means of work. What 20 years ago was something new, expensive, complex and applicable only for large production series, today it has become something quite normal and very flexible, not so expensive, and can be used by many companies.
Today it is more about an attitude. That companies (and individuals) are aware that robots help us both in our work and in lowering costs to remain competitive.
Prosegur seems to have very clear ideas. And the longer some take to understand this, the worse it will be for them.