AI helps to decide what movies are made
Many millions of dollars are invested in the film production business, and the subsequent economic results (which are the ones that interest to producers) depend on many difficult factors to predict before making the film.
This has already partly stopped being that way. Because also in this field Artificial Intelligence is being used to try to predict the possible economic results that would be obtained from a particular film, before it is made.
And those results depend on many parameters. The possible protagonists, the special effects, possible changes in the plot, etc …
Today a series of programs are offered in that market that are able to calculate in advance the expected economic results of a film.
There are several companies that offer them: Cinelytic, Scriptbook and others
As anyone can easily understand, these tools are being used more every day, although for now their success rates are far from 100%. Sometimes they touch 80%, and in others they fall to 40%. They still have a lot of work to adjust their decision parameters.
People are difficult to predict, but with many previous data of what we have done in the past, we can conclude with some probability of success, what we will do in the future. And that is what these programs basically do.
It is clear that the experience of producers of knowledge of the film market will continue to be considered a lot when deciding, but with that experience many mistakes have been made and some successes have also been achieved.
And we have to think that it is a lot of money that comes into play, sometimes hundreds of millions of dollars.
All this reasons indicate that these decision-making tools will be institutionalized in this market.
As I say so many times, technology envelops us and becomes omnipresent. And the movie business is not an exception.