A new type of platform for offshore wind turbines in big depths
Wind energy continues to develop more every day, and more and more platforms are placed in the sea and far from the coast, because there the winds are stronger and more constant, with which the generation of electrical energy is also greater.
The problem is that far from the coast, at depths greater than 80 meters (which is where there is more wind) large systems are required to support wind platforms, which are very expensive and also expensive to place in the sea
The future of wind energy seems clear that it is off-shore, because there nobody complains about the optical effect they generate, and the greater energy produced compensates for the higher installation and maintenance costs.
But wind energy systems are getting bigger every day, they are already exceeding 10 MW. and they will continue to increase, with which the problem of their placement over the sea also increases.
I have seen a system from the Gazelle Wind Power company located in Dublin that has come up with a rather novel solution. It is a semi-submerged platform support with a modular design that is lighter and cheaper than the competition. There is a photo below.
It is a stabilized structure that reacts by counteracting the movement of the waves and the wind, to keep the mast of the wind turbine in a vertical position and thus achieve the maximum amount of wind on the generating blades, and therefore the maximum amount of electrical energy.
According to the company that has presented it, this system offers savings in materials of more than 30%. They have carried out tests in the north of Spain that have been positive and have received certification from the DNV company.
They communicate that they have another project underway to install it on the coast of Portugal, and they continue to be in contact with other interested companies.
A video can be viewed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wGsqwC61uQ
Due to the vast amount of energy available from offshore winds, it seems clear that this wind energy is going to play a significant role in the sustainable energy supply solution we need, and many companies are struggling to find their niche within that market.
As opportunities are found by those who make an effort and work for them. I wish the best to the friends of Gazelle Wind.